Thursday, April 1, 2010

One Day Maybe I WILL do Some That Isn't!!! (Halfway Illiterate Hate!)

Both of these comments were in response to my post "How a Fish Almost Ruined my Childhood."  

#1.  It seems like maybe he/she is mad about something to do with me being a girl, but I can't really tell.  

I'm sorry. I will take it down right away, Sir. You will never again have your delicate eyeballs accosted by my sense of humor. It was selfish of me to put you through that. No one should ever depict every woman in history and their capabilities and one day do some that isn't. That's just unfair to all the ones that is.

#2.  Either this person's reading-comprehension is really poor or they don't understand exaggeration. Maybe both.  Also possibly they don't understand cartoons. 

I really don't even know what to say to this.   I honestly wasn't trying to compete with genocide.  Genocide wins the trauma award.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why people who lack a sense of humour would follow your blog. Seems kind of weird, yes?

Anyway, I thought the fish story was hilarious. Plus, it reminded me a little bit of my own traumatic childhood fish story, so it was even funnier. :)

--V said...

Some people are only happy raining on other people's parades. To hell with 'em.

Rebekah said...

Genocide? Really? So not the same. What an idiot.

And you can't take points off for exaggeration when the title contains the word "hyperbole." That makes exaggeration pretty much a requirement.

Brianne said...

Some people weren't hugged enough as children. But if they were dicks like that as kids, then I don't blame their parents for not hugging them enough!

Unknown said...

Why people on the internet feel the need to make hateful comments to complete strangers is beyond me. I'm pretty sure these are the kinds of people who are total losers in their real lives. Why else would they troll the internet and take time to comment on something that they could have just clicked away? Lame.

That fish cartoon was the highlight of my March. If mpuainfo there compares it to genocide, then I think her lack of a sense of humor is probably the least of her worries. I'm thinking...psychiatrist. Stat.

Mewtwo said...

I have no problems whatsoever with your fish post. It takes a strong person to put humour into their own lives for everyone to laugh with them. Good on ya, keep them coming. Your blog posts keep me entertained. They keep me entertained, my only problem is that there aren't enough of them

juskaulani said...

Some people are just dumb. Or don't have a sense of humor. Or both.
Either way you're like 8 million times better then them.

tdot said...

LMAOO @ the second ones severely underdeveloped comprehension skills o my gooshhh

Alison said...

yah, Allie! way to ruin it for every woman in history and all our capabilities! now I'M scarred for life

Christina -; said...

your fish article was hilarious and I read it to my entire family. That made my sister late for class, though. Now she's probably scarred for life.

OH NO!!! My bad. Being late for class and genocide is NOT the same thing. How could I have written something this misleading?

While I admire this second persons empathy for his friend and for Nazi victims, I am dumbfounded by his inability to understand humor.

...maybe he'll learn if he keeps reading your wonderful posts!

IAN WRIMYN said...

I'm not sure anyone should take a person seriously if their profile picture is of a butt.

Meat Sweats said...

I honestly think that there are people out there that spend their days looking for things on the internet that they can complain about. What a sad existence.

Elise said...

That second person really seems to have underestimated the complexity of growing a penis...

Lanned said...

I'm not really sure what to say to this? What is wrong with these people? I think fish are very with the trauma making...and slimy...and stinky. I just don't like fish...but I love your posts.

Clark and Connie said...

Don't listen to them! Too funny for words. You've become my favorite site on the whole internets....not to put pressure on you, or anything.

laurelczimyoung said...

Wow; people leave you the weirdest comments. Every one is entitled to their own opinion but I think a person's writing and art are personal--they're ass holes for posting that.
HATERS! haha
I thought it would be fun to mention-- putting the f word in your blog and/or the word penis makes adsense put up singles ads on your page. i just tried that social experiment.

ifcarlstonmaddeblogs said...

Nazis 1, Allie 0

Nazis 0, Allie 1

You're tied with the Nazis, I bet they can't draw in MS Paint...