Saturday, October 17, 2009

So it Looks Like I've Cornered the Market in Pet Supplies/Insurance/Medical Problems/Names

I do so many awesome things on accident!

I was just reading about Search Engine Optimization and apparently I accidentally did something right by writing about cats.


I am also doing the right thing by writing about Search Engine Optimization. I am giving my ads broad appeal while also still allowing the niche ads about cat diarrhea to populate my page.

I just realized that these are some things I should probably write about:


Drugs are good and bad. Some of them are helpful and some cause your nasal septum to desintigrate. But guess what? Then you have to go to the doctor to get your nose fixed and that's where they get you. It's a conspiracy.... see? I'm not serious. Just in case you are on of those people. And if you are - I'm sorry I've insulted you. We can still be friends, right?

Health Care

Health care is something that I don't have right now. I thought I had a brain tumor the other day and I was like "I need to go to the doctor... wait... I don't have insurance and so I can't go to the doctor. Whelp, looks like I'm gonna die. Oh well..." Also I think I have skin cancer and breast cancer and cancer cancer. But do I get to go to the doctor to find out that I am a hypochondriac? No. I don't.


This is that thing that I don't have, remember?


I'm going to run out of my ADD medication in about 4 days. Then who knows what I'll blog about. It's gonna get weird, people.

1-800 pet meds

I just thought I'd throw that one in there for good measure.

How to lose belly fat

You should probably spend more time calling 1-800 pet meds and less time eating butter mixed with sugar. And just because you mix the butter and sugar together doesn't make it okay to eat. Trust me. I know. I've been there.

Flat Stomach

I'm not even going to try to justify this one.

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